6 Best Options: Where to Place Landscape Lighting

Many homeowners are overwhelmed by all of the options regarding landscape lighting. There are so many different styles, fixtures, and placement options that it can take time to know what will work best in your yard and around your home. Luckily, there are some tried and true methods to find the right look and placement without spending too much money or time! 

In the trees

One of the best places for landscape lighting is in your trees. Tree lights not only look great but can be used as a deterrent for burglars looking for dark areas to break into. It also makes it easier for you or a guest to find their way around at night. You can also use tree lights as decorations on the inside during Christmas time. 

On the ground

This is a great option that provides a nice, even light. However, it will only illuminate what’s right in front of you and may need more lighting. If you want to impress visitors with something they’ll see first, your curb-side view should be lit up at night. 

In the bushes

One of the most popular areas for lighting is the bushes. If you have a walkway, you can light up the bushes on either side and give the illusion of a path. This will also help keep people from walking through your bushes, which they might do if they need to be lit up more. You can also place lights in trees or hang them from poles to create an exciting look for your lawn. 

On the porch

Create an inviting atmosphere for your guests with landscape lighting RI. Whether you opt for a string of lights or spotlights, ensure they’re installed on the porch or near the door. Even if you don’t have a patio, place them at eye level where people are likely to stand when they approach your home. Avoid placing lights in areas that are directly off the sight of windows. If they’re too bright, they will attract bugs and animals while making your home appear uninviting.

In the garden

Adding lights to your garden can be a great way to get the most out of your backyard space. The light from these fixtures will be easily seen from the house and provides an attractive path. You may also want them set up on a timer, so they turn on at dusk and off after 30 minutes. 

On the deck

If you have a deck, it can make a great place to put landscape lighting. For example, lights that wrap around the railing and light up the stairs are perfect for an evening get-together with friends or family. Another good idea is to use solar lights on your deck, so they don’t need any wiring, just charge them during the day and enjoy them all night! 

Benefits of Landscape Lighting

A well-lit landscape is inviting, but the placement of your lighting can be the difference between a thriving garden and a wasteland. So before you buy any lighting, think about what you want to do with it; some lights are designed for security, while others are best for illuminating plants at night. Once you know what your goals are, you’ll be able to select the perfect spot for your light.

Security lights are best placed along walkways or on your property’s perimeter, as they are designed to illuminate a large area at night. In addition, these lights often come with motion sensors, so that they only turn on when someone or something enters their designated space.

Plant lights shine light on your gardens and plants while keeping them within a specific spot. They’re typically battery-operated so that you don’t have to worry about an electrical cord, making it easier for you to move them around as needed. In addition, you can find plant lights in a variety of colors so that your garden is awash with color or bathed in a single hue.

Landscape Lighting Costs

The national average cost of installing outdoor lighting is $4,000. This cost will vary a lot depending on the complexity of the project and the installer’s overhead costs, but it should provide an idea as to what you can expect. There are many options for landscape lighting, so it can be hard to choose where you want your lights placed because they are so different.

For those on a budget, there are more economical options like solar or battery-powered light fixtures, which save money in the long run and have no operating costs. However, with these types of lights, you may not get the same quality or brightness as other fixtures. Depending on how much time you spend outside during the day and how big your yard is will determine if you need low-voltage line wire to power your fixtures which also adds expense to your total cost.

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